Butterick Pattern
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Customer Reviews Synopsis
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4 reviews with comments

Purchased Butterick Pattern on Bonanza

This was an authentic pattern from the 1950's which was perfect for costuming the play, Bye Bye Birdie.
Purchased Butterick Pattern on Bonanza

thank you very nice pattern
Purchased Butterick Pattern on Bonanza

I had some pretty material I bought because I have a hard time finding dresses I like in the store. This looked like it would be easy for someone who's not a big sewer. It is a little more complicated then it looks. The only sewing experience I had was back in Jr. High when they made us take Home Economics (that was the 70's). It would probably be a cinch for someone who sews and knows what they're doing. I figured with no zippers and just a tie it wouldn't be difficult. Looking at the instructions scares me. It talks about things I barely remember from school.
Purchased Butterick Pattern on Bonanza

This is an easy pattern and is so darling